Environmental, Social,
and Governance (ESG)

Driven to Exceed

BossPac’s monitoring solutions are all about delivering actionable intelligence. Actionable doesn’t mean hypothesizing or speculating – it means information that can be put into action here and now. This approach transfers over to our ESG efforts. As we continue to grow, operating under unclear or ill-defined ESG goals is no longer sufficient.

To truly foster a net positive impact on stakeholders, society, and the environment, we identified the need for an ESG policy with both quantifiable goals and achievable timelines.

Motivated by this, in early 2023 we joined forces with third-party sector specialists GreenWorks ESG to conduct a full materiality review of our company’s ESG performance. This pivotal evaluation assessed our existing ESG performance based on global ESG frameworks, and identified areas in which we can improve. By addressing the identified topics and shaping our long-term plans around the findings, we ensure that our business operations are not only profitable but socially responsible and environmentally conscious.

The materiality topics identified in the review were:

Energy Consumption

Endeavour to minimize our carbon footprint and contribute to global environmental preservation.

Waste Management

Adhere to meticulous waste reduction and disposal protocols, embracing our duty as environmental custodians.

Health and Safety

Prioritize the well-being of our personnel, thereby reducing the occurrence of accidents and fostering a culture of visibility and accountability.

Diversity and Inclusion

Nurture a workplace characterized by diversity and inclusion, catalyzing employee contribution and satisfaction.

Stakeholder Engagement

Forge meaningful connections with our surroundings, exemplifying our commitment to societal betterment.

Good Governance

Uphold principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, and ethical behaviour, promoting the long-term stability of BossPac.


Commit to rigorous training and continual updates to protocols and practices, ensuring data integrity, confidentiality, and stakeholder trust.

ESG Reports

Since 2023, BossPac has published annual ESG reports to clarify our yearly successes and define our targets for the future. These detailed documents share in-depth information and statistics unavailable elsewhere.